They're having a good ol' time

on Bullshit Mountain as they gleefully twist the facts of Hillary's 'private e-mail' that she ran out of 'her basement'. First of all, it was a system set up by the Secret Service, for husband Bill, The Prez, to be MORE secure. They love to say it was illegal, BUT, that's totally untrue, cuz the rules were changed, AFTER she used it. Just like they love to say she improperly sent Top Secret stuff, BUT, they were REclassified as such, AFTER she sent them.
Bottom line, they are 'fishing', trying anything/everything they can to make her look bad, cuz they're (rightfully) scared of her, and they'd LOVE to get a look at ALL her PRIVATE emails, on their witchhunt for SOMETHING to use against her. In the meantime, they don't have to actually have any policies, as long they keep the heat on her, instead of saying HOW they're gonna do Health Care, or Immigration, or The Budget, or the Transportation Bill, or ANY of the MANY things they just kick down the road. Nothing new here, cuz it works, FOR THE SHEEP, who don't know any better. Same old shit, from the Party of NO!, who loves to baffle 'em with bullshit, while doing NOTHING but bitchin'.
PS. Once you get past all the FOXLies headlines about Hillary being 'criminal' and dishonest, and wanting 'charges filed', you can see Alan Dershowitz, who actually KNOWS the law, saying she did . 'nothing illegal'.


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