Good articles in the Post today,

showing facts vs Repub/FOX (one and the same) propaganda. Most of the clown car candidates claim we need a 'Wall' at the Mexican border, because: The immigrants have such a high rate of crime. Wrong, they are at the low end, considering the general population, and the Pubs claim there is a FLOOD of immigrants crossing. Wrong. Ever since GW and the Pubs wrecked our economy, there has been a net OUTFLOW to Mexico,with the number of illegal crossings the lowest in years, and dropping.
The facts don't match the rhetoric, which is nothing new on Bullshit Mountain, where they claim, and have the sheep believing that climate change is a hoax. Tell that to the New England lobster fishermen, whose many-generational lobster businesses are closing, while northern Maine lobstermen are seeing unprecedented catches. Seems the lobsters don't hear/believe the FOXCrap, and are moving north, en masse, as the water temperatures rise. As always, we have the FOXLies, and reality, with a large difference between them, called FACTS.
Read another good one, about Jeb trying to compete with The Donald, entitled 'The Tortoise and 'The Hair'. LOL...


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