There's a good side to The Donald

being in the driver's seat of the Repub clown car. It's making Europeans feel downright superior, as the leading Pub personifies their perception of 'the ugly American', with his excess, vulgarity, ignorance, superficiality and love of wealth. He is a HUGE story throughout the EU, as their worst fears, of another Republican in the White House take on a frightening possibility.
During our travels in Europe we have noticed a polite questioning of our politics, when speaking with the locals, and once they realize we hate GW as much as they do, there is an instant acceptance and willingness to discuss other subjects. We have NEVER met a European that that was a Bush supporter, and they openly laugh at FOXNews. NOW, they have Trump(R) in the headlines and they are just shaking their heads, saying, 'Oh no, not again'....


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Not sure why,

You think the Repub brand is tarnished now?