The Pubs have loved to bitch

about all the supposed 'disasters' of the Obama presidency, while totally ignoring the REAL disasters of 'reign of error' from GW and The Dick. You'd a thunk they'd jump all over the prez during their first debate, BUT, they mentioned God (St Ronald?) twice as much, while being strangely silent on actual policies, cuz none of the calamities that FOX and the Pubs, one and the same, have actually happened. Nothing new here, as the Bullshit Mountain plan is to keep the sheep in perpetual fear, with 'the sky is falling', and OMG, everything is TERRIBLE under the Dems. Their only problem? None of their predictions are coming true, as we are GRADUALLY coming out of the worst depression (thanks Pubs) since the Big D, and they can't stand it.....


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