The new relations between Cuba and the US

were met with nearly universal optimism, today, EXCEPT, of course, at FOX, where it is Anti-Obama/Dem All The Time. If the prez said parents should feed their children, Bullshit Mountain would come out with the contrary view, cuz that's what they do.
BUT, the Pubs can agree on some things. Jeb Bush said today, when asked about his brother's war in Iraq, based on lies, 'Seems taking out Saddam Hussein turned out to be a good deal'. WTF? What world is he living in, as Iraq and the entire Middle East is in turmoil, after GW and The Dick took out the one guy holding it all together. I can only assume he was talking about the family Big Oil Business, then his remarks make perfect sense. Just ask all his friends and family around Midland, TX, and, ask The Dick's company, Haliburton, if they liked the ten-fold jump in oil, (and has settled at TRIPLE what it was before the 'Oops, No WMD's fiasco). When in doubt, ALWAYS, 'Follow The Money', unless you're a sheep, then you 'follow the bullshit', and swallow it all.


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