SO UNbelievable, but so typical

Yesterday, as I watched the markets implode, nearly everyone agreed it was caused by China, as their economy collapses, they manipulate their currency and the contagion spreads through Asia and Europe. Plus we have oil prices and commodities dropping precipitously on the world markets as Chinese demand wains, with political turmoil in the Mideast. But, this morning on FOX, which I glanced at cuz real news wasn't on, they explained that our 401K's are being decimated because of high corporate taxes and too many regulations on banks and business, plus Obamacare. No shit. This is the crap that's shoveled to the sheep and they eat it up cuz they don't have a clue, if they're a regular on Bullshit Mountain. Nothing new here, but sickening just the same, as FOX just 'makes it up', in their non-stop efforts to put a Pub in the White House with their perpetual propaganda aimed at their low information audience.
PS. Twice, St Ronald's name was mentioned, when talking about tax cuts, and both times, I SWEAR it, the panelists said 'Amen'.


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