The Dick was on my morning news show, this morning

BUT, it's called 'news' for a reason. There is nothing new about this jerk bitchin' about Obama and the Dems, while refusing to take responsibility for the HUGE lie he told the American people, to start the war he always wanted, and got, to raise the price of oil and settle a personal grudge with Saddam. We know he 'wouldn't change a thing', and 'torture is necessary and wonderful', and 'Obama lost the war he had won', although the US was just following the terms set by the Bushies. We know The Dick could have gotten a MUCH better deal with Iran, although the other 5 major countries involved liked this one.
This isn't NEWS. This is a bitter old man trying to justify his mistakes. I'm so sick of this criminal a**hole getting a platform to spout his bullshit. Whatever happened to holding war criminals responsible for their crimes? This dickhead should be prosecuted!


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