Anyone wanna get rich?

Yup, I'm offering TEN to ONE, that Trump won't be prez. Hey, any of you rightwingnut Big Spenders wanna get 10-1? C'mon. Use the 'Comments' section below to stand up for your crew, AND you get paid for it. Wow, TEN to ONE? And all you gotta do is bet on your boy.
10-1? That's YUUUGE!!!
C'mon rightwingnuts, I know you're 'Out There'. Step up to the plate! TEN to ONE! Put up or shut up, with your dysfunctional beliefs. Click on 'Comment's, and show how smart you are. LOL!!!! This is a major party candidate, (promoted by idiots), and FOX says he's even or ahead.
TEN to ONE! If you think the American people are SO stupid that they will elect The Donald, step right up, SUCKERS....
AS IF rightwingnuts have 'disposable income' to bet. They are WAY too concerned about making the next rent payment,on their 'single wide', instead of betting against someone who's gonna be indicted, (according to the braintrust at FOX). C'mon big spenders, bet a dime to win a dollar.....


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