Good article about The Donald, this morning,

titled. 'Lord of the Lies', that basically says, during the debates, there should, (and maybe WILL be) fact-checking going on, instantaneously, to debunk the lies that Trump spreads so profusely. AS IF, the non-sheep need it, and sheep even care. BREAKING NEWS!,Trump lies, A LOT, and the sheep eat it up. Duh....
Earlier this month, the world’s most battle-scarred cable news network did something extraordinary in this year of vaporous political contrails. While Donald Trump was delivering one of his easily debunked lies, CNN fact-checked him — in near real time at the bottom of the screen.
“Trump: I never said Japan should have nukes (he did).” Thus read the chyron that shook the television world — maybe.
Professional truth-seekers have never seen anything like Trump, surely the most compulsive liar to seek high office. To date, the nonpartisan PolitiFact has rated 76 percent of his statements lies — 57 percent false or mostly false, and another 19 percent “Pants on Fire” fabrications. 
But do the sheep care? Of course not. They have been conditioned by FOX/PARP, where lying is condoned, even expected. 
For the rest of us though, it would be fun to watch, as Trump's statements would send the 'Truth-o-meter' off the chart. LOL...


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