Just a couple things, that the sheep who follow/swallow

Bullshit Mountain 'news' probably won't hear. Obama met with the heads of Canada and Mexico, two of our largest trading partners, (the same two countries that probably wouldn't even allow Bush/Cheney to enter), and he received loud cheers from the Parliament of 'Four More Years'!
Also, a billionaire investor on CNBC (Financial Channel) disparaged T. Rump in MANY ways, explaining how his presidency would wreck world markets, and mentioned that his Wall, would keep Mexicans IN the US, cuz there has been a net migration, for several years, from the US, TO Mexico.
The sheep won't hear it on FOX/PARP though, cuz that doesn't fit in with the racist rants of their 'leader'.
FOX/T.Rump. What a couple of jokes....
PS- FOX's own poll revealed that 90% of voters consider T. Rump a 'hothead' and over 80% say he's 'obnoxious'. Wow, them Pubs sure know how to pick 'em.... 


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