Whenever I think,

Americans are too smart to elect T Rump, I just look back at 2004, when they re-elected GW, AND I look at stuff like this, where thousands of Kentuckians, and their ilk, support the Noah's Ark' shrine, and I realize NEVER underestimate the gullibility and ignorance of  'the people'.
WILLIAMSTOWN, Ky. — In the beginning, Ken Ham made the Creation Museum in northern Kentucky. And he saw that it was good at spreading his belief that the Bible is a book of history, the universe is only 6,000 years old, and evolution is wrong and is leading to our moral downfall.
The ark is also intended to serve as a vivid warning that, according to the Bible, God sent a flood in Noah’s time to wipe out a depraved people, and God will deliver a fiery end to those who reject the Bible and accept modern-day evils like abortion, atheism and same-sex marriage. “We’re becoming more like the days of Noah in that we see increasing secularization in the culture,” Mr. Ham said. Yet his interpretation of what he calls “the Christian message” is derided by most scientists and educators, and resented even by some Christians who consider it indefensible and even embarrassing. Young earthers believe that God created the universe in six 24-hour days, and since all of history is only 6,000 years, humans coexisted with dinosaurs. An exhibit at the Creation Museum shows two smiling children playing in a lush garden next to two petite T Rexes.
And you think we can't have a President T Rump? These are 'the sheep' we're talking about, who get their 'news' from Bullshit Mountain, their 'History' from the Bible, and they vote..... Time to look at Canadian real estate.



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