In a typical rightwingnut rant,

Denver's own rabid redneck writer, Mike Rosen had another of his 'opinion' pieces unleashed on the public, today. Mike railed about Obama 'removing all privacy' from restrooms everywhere, cuz transgenders also need to pee. Mike the Mouth ended his tirade by saying, 'they oughta be happy with the genitals God gave them'.
And this passes for wisdom/intelligence among the rightwingnut, knuckledragging hordes who live to regurgitate the crap from Bullshit Mountain?
I'm sure Rosen is recalling the mental anguish he went through, when he had to choose between being gay and straight. Just when you think the idiots(R) can't get any worse, they get another 'Opinion' piece published and PROVE they don't have a clue, while they rally behind The Donald.
And they wonder wonder why the GOP is destined for the trash bin of history? Good riddance!


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