Did you know?

In the crazy/Bizarro world of Rep politics/policy, the prez who allowed the worst attack on US soil EVER, and then retaliated, by attacking the WRONG country, wrecking our military by killing thousands, spending trillions and filling the VA hospitals, in a war that accomplished NOTHING, other than filling Europe with refugees, and raising the price of oil, is considered The Good Guy, while the guy in charge now, that was left with all the debts, problems and a 'wrecked economy', which he is gradually fixing, by any measurement, is The Bad Guy?
Yup. Welcome to Repub Politics 101, where reality is avoided and FOX/PARP shovels constant bullshit to the sheep, who swallow it without thinking, and dream about Donald Trump as president.
Can you say 'UN-F'ing-BELIEVABLE', but SO Republican?


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