The Repub fiasco of Trickle Down Economics

had a 'real-world' test in Kansas, when Gov Brownback(R) got to put the 'cut taxes for the rich' policy into action.
The grand myth of modern Republican politics — the trickle-down theory that sweeping tax cuts generate rising revenues — has come crashing down in Kansas.
An exuberant Gov. Sam Brownback enacted the largest tax cuts in the state’s history in 2012 and 2013, a $1.1 billion upper-bracket boon for which he promised rich economic returns. But the governor and the Republican Legislature were soon shortchanging the state’s public school budgets in compensation.
Per-pupil state aid has declined dramatically, forcing the legislature to scramble, looking for new income.
Wow, what a shock! Trickle down theory doesn't work AGAIN, as the Repub plan of rewarding the 1% is revealed as the debacle it is, at the expense of  the 'former' middle class. As always, it's OBVIOUS why the rich vote Repub, but what the hell is wrong with the mid to low income people who vote with the Pubs? Oh yeah, they believe FOX/PARP.....


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