I've always thought,

some of the most crooked people in the world (right behind Pub politicians) are NBA refs. Nobody can be that consistently bad, unless they are trying. The officials in Game 6 of the NBA Playoffs OBVIOUSLY got the word. The Cavs ARE gonna win, to force a YUUUGE game 7.
Steph Curry had NEVER fouled out of, OR been ejected from, a game, in his entire career, BUT, the greaseball officials whistled him out, with a series of UNbelievable, ticky-tack fouls, on the MVP of the NBA.
They didn't need to, cuz King James as playing so well, but The Fix was definitely in. At least 3 of his 6 fouls were totally bogus, and it really got in his head.
Sorta reminded me of when we used to play against the small towns in Nebr b-ball. I couldn't step on someone's shadow without being called for a foul. 


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