MOST of the sheep voted for the Orange Clown

cuz he's 'such a GREAT businessman'.
Oh really?
AND, he's an Evangelical just like them, whose favorite book is the Bible. Isn't that sweet....
Wow, who da thunk that a con man who inherited over a hundred million dollars worth of property in the real estate capitol of the world, and then declared BANKRUPTCY at least 6 times, leaving the little people 'holding the bag', after skimming the cash off the top, PLUS being a pathological LIAR, could end up being SO RICH!
Wow, what a JENIUS, and a Pussy Grabber!
Sounds presidential, RIGHT?
Only if you;re an IDIOT!
What kind of dumbasses could be so easily fooled, and lead such rotten lives where they thought, "I need a change, no matter WHAT', so they voted for a sleaze like The Donald, and now we're stuck with him, cuz of the clueless, gullible sheep.
Oh yeah, the FOXLies believers, gave him to us.
Never mind, nothing new here....


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