Just one more time here,

to clear the air, after the A*holes at FOX have been flogging the dead horse (over 40 stories in less than a week) about Hillary giving Uranium to Russia, in exchange for donations to the Clinton Foundation. I offer this MAINLY as an example of how the clowns work, to deceive the sheep, BUT, they love it, and it keeps 'collusion' out of the headlines, as one after another of the Liar in Chief's inner circle gets busted for LYING about Russian involvement, which DOESN'T make it to Bullshit Mountain headlines.
What makes this story SO unique, is that Shep Smith, of FOX, called 'bullshit' and calmly outlined the facts. I'm guessing he better be getting his resume out.....

Shep claims Uranium One is a made-up scandal involving Hillary Clinton, which has been making the rounds in conservative media (FOX). The claim is that Clinton, while serving as secretary of state, approved the sale of a mining company called Uranium One to Russia, giving it access to 20 percent of the uranium produced in the United States. She supposedly did so in exchange for donations to the Clinton Foundation, her family’s nonprofit organization.
The truth is far less sensational. And this week, one of the most clear-eyed fact-checks came from an unlikely source: Fox News.
For six and a half minutes on his Tuesday show, the anchor Shepard Smith calmly outlined the facts behind the controversy. “A committee of nine evaluated the sale, the president approved the sale, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and others had to offer permits and none of the uranium was exported” to Russia, Smith explained.
What about the donations to the Clinton Foundation? As Smith notes, the man who gave the bulk of the money as part of a supposed quid pro quo says that he sold his stake in Uranium One in 2007 — three years before the sale and over a year before Clinton became secretary of state.
The bottom line? “The accusation is predicated on the charge that Secretary Clinton approved the sale. She did not,” Smith concluded.Wow, a true story from FOX! Who da thuink?


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