As despicable as they are,

we can all learn from the Liar in Chief, Roy Moore and the rest of the sleazeballs(R). Whenever you are caught in a LIE or any other sin you'd rather not admit to.....
Just say FAKE NEWS, WITCH HUNT, and then change the subject.
The BEST, tried and true method  'subject changer' for the rightwingnuts, whenever they are caught in a YUUUGE Lie or some outrageous SIN, is to use the old 'But Whatabout Hillary' and _______?
It works NO MATTER WHAT, when a wingnut(R) wants to change the subject.

Gotta admit I'm borrowing from John Oliver, who used 'Super Dickhead Sean Hannity', as an example who used the segue, 'But Whatabout Hillary, whenever he got caught in a LIE, or anything he didn't want to admit to.
Was SOOOO funny. Sean would stop, be silent while he THOUGHT for a while, then say,
'But What About Hillary' and he'd be off and running (his mouth).
Bottom line, it ain't gonna change, cuz it works for the sheep, just like the lies from FOXNews.
You doubt me?
May I introduce the pathological LIAR, President Donald Trump!
Case closed.....


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