In another LIE, but with a nugget of truth (about him being a Big Loser)

the Liar in Chief kept his record of 'Lying Every Day' intact, by claiming the rich wouldn't be the Big Winners under the Pub Tax (Trickle Up) Plan.

(Kevin Lamarque/Reuters)
President Donald Trump made a plea to Democrats to support the House Republicans' tax bill by telling them he'd be a "big loser" if the bill got passed.
That assessment is at odds with every other analysis of the tax legislation by independent tax experts.
Analysis by the Joint Committee on Taxation found that the bulk of the cuts would benefit corporations and the super-wealthy.
Wow, I'm DOUBLY shocked! The Pubs would craft a Tax Plan for the RICH, and the Liar in Chief would LIE about it? Who da thunk?
And the sheep(R) said, Huh?


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