Ben Stein(R) a talking head on FOXNews

has always been a reilable 'go to guy' for any and all Repub bullshit, BUT, he's calling it like it is on the hucksters new Tax Plan, that lowers taxes on the rich, raise them for the middle class, adds a YUUUGE amount (over a TRILLION) to the deficit and relies on the tired, proven-false Repub 'Trickle Down Theory', that NEVER works, no matter how many times the rich clowns force it down our throats.

Economist Ben Stein slammed Republican efforts to reform the nation's tax code Thursday, calling both the House and Senate plans "an incredibly complicated mish-mash that is internally inconsistent" and based on a key "faulty" premise.
"The whole premise of this is that if you cut taxes, everything is just going to grow like a giant mushroom after a rainstorm," Stein, the actor and comedian who also served in the Nixon White House, told Brooke Baldwin on CNN. "That's just not going to happen.
"It's never happened in the past. It's not going to happen now."
Thank you, Ben. Wow, a Repub with a brain....


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