Am just wondering when/if it's gonna stop

Referring to all the 'unwanted sexual advances' claims against famous men. You know there's gotta be a YUUUGE number out there
I wonder how many men are shaking in their boots, waiting for their sins to be revealed.? Famous or not, as it's happened since the beginning of time.
How many women have been the 'victims', OR, want to be seen as victims to get back at someone they want to harm? Impossible to know what's true, unless you were there, BUT am sure that both political parties will use accusations to their advantage, as some men are rightfully 'outed' while some will be victims themselves.
Bottom line, just another distraction to muddy the waters and distract us from what's more important, as the Orange Clown rapes our country/democracy, with the help of FOX-PARP, who tries to equate Roy Moore to Al Franken. Just one, among their MANY crimes, as they'll do/say ANYTHING to put Repubs in office, which is the ENTIRE reason for their existence, as per Roger Ailes 'GENIUS' plan.
Gotta tip your hat to him, if you don't mind him selling out his country, for money and power.


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