As always, I feel compelled

to restate my position on spirituality, which I think is VERY positive, BUT, a literal Bible? You gotta be kidding.....
AND, I again restate that I stay sane by posting HERE, instead of talking/emailing/Facebooking, and you don't have to eavesdrop on my (semi) private thoughts, where I absolutely HATE FOXNews, where Roger Ailes(R) created a 'fake news' agency, for those who don't like 'real' news.
{f yuoiu don't believe me, check out "The Five' where they mutilate reality.
Yup, the origin of fake news is the fruition of Roger (head Repub political strategist) Ailes's dream.
Yup, uninformed sheep who will swallow the Repub LIES (FOX), instead of seeing 'real' news, which they HATE.
Nothing new here, but lets 'keep it real'. FOX is the alternative to real news for the sheep who just don't care for reality.....


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