We get more insight into the 'brains'?

of the Repub Bible Belt Base, who gave us the Pussy Grabber and now want to shove Roy Moore down our throats. These 'People of God' claim it doesn't matter if all the women's claims are true, that he forced himself on them when they were 14-16 years old.
According to these nutballs, who claim to 'know the mind of God',
and they're sticking with him, and attacking those, (now a multitude of women), making the allegations, cuz he has (R) after his name.
And you wonder how we got Dotard Drumpf as president, after over a dozen women accused him of sexual assault and he admitted to Grabbing Pussy, cuz he was powerful"
It's the Southern Bible Belt Evangelicals(R), along with the other gullible FOXSheep, that we have to thank....


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