As we travel, and TSA makes us all WAIT, for bullshit searches

we find that TSA missed 95% of REAL threats, as they were tested in several airports.
Yup, they make Granny's take off their shoes, and make us late for flights as they take tiny Swiss Army knives and feel us up, in the name of scurity, but MISS the real threats.
Same old shit from govt agencies who make BIG MONEY as they screw up our travel, but do no
real good.
After over a decade of TSA bullshit, the number of actual terrorist plots discovered by TSA?
Think about it. ZERO, as they've screwed up our travel for over a decade.
Thanks again, GW and The Dick, who created an agency who've made BILLIONS of dollars in profits, and have caught ZERO terrorists. Another Pub fiasco.....


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