As I watch the best of Late Night, with Colbert, Kimmel, Fallon, OBrian, Oliver, Trevor Noah, James Corden, SNL and so many more, I wonder.

WTF do the rightwingnuts watch for humor/entertainment?
And do their sphincters clinch as they watch typical American humor, laughing at the arrogant, incompetent, Russian-backed a-hole they elected?
I know FOX and Friends is Hilarious, but Sean and Rush get old after saying the same old Pub shit, lying their asses off, hour after hour., dumbing down their message down for the FOXCrowd.
I know the old, white, uneducated, rural FOXSheep LOVE hearing that Dems BAD—Pubs GOOD, but what do they do while 2/3 of us are laughing our asses off,  as the Late Night Comics make fun of Dotard and the gullible, ignorant clowns who swallow his crap?
Please, one of you rightwingnuts who lurk on my blog, tell me what you lame-ass, clueless, gullible sheep do for entertainment on TV if you stay up after 9:00, while telling yourself, ‘Yup, we’re the smart ones, with ZERO evidence’.
OR, is The Golden Girls and Matlock on ‘round the clock’ in your retirement home, and you don’t have to think, letting Roger Ailes’ propaganda network TELL you what to think, in your fact-proof bubble?
Compare Colbert/Kimmel’s intellect to the Orange Clowns’ and tell me how intelligent you are, swallowing his OBVIOUS LIES.


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