As Michael Cohen admits to LYING, he joins a long list of LIARS who LIE for the Liar in Chief

Cohen joins Paul Manafort and Rick Gates, former senior Trump campaign officials, lied to cover up financial fraud. George Papadopoulos, a former Trump campaign aide, lied in hopes of landing an administration job. And Michael T. Flynn, another adviser, lied about his interactions with a Russian official and about other matters for reasons that remain unclear.
If the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, has proved anything in his 18-month-long investigation — besides how intensely Russia meddled in an American presidential election — it is that Mr. Trump surrounded himself throughout 2016 and early 2017 with people to whom lying seemed to be second nature.
Dotard’s professional liars, beginning with Sean Spicer (largest inaugural crowd EVER) and continuing with Sarah Hunkameat who lies constantly and continually, although less now that the Orange Clown basically quit having press conferences, are the main defining factor of his administration, although incompetence is a close second. Think Betsy DeVoss, Dr Ben Carson at Housing, Perry at Energy and the Coal Lobbyiist heading the EPA. Not to mention the film flam man as the new Atty Gen.
LYING and incompetence. Hard to know which is worse, as they represent Dotard and the clowns who surround him. 


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