Bruce Springsteen has built a fantastic career writing and singing songs ‘from the heart’ and putting feelings we al have and know into words and music.

Now he’s saying what 2/3 of know and say. Dotard;s a dangerous conman.

Bruce Springsteen isn't a big fan of President Donald Trump.
"He's deeply damaged at his core," the New Jersey-born rocker recently told Esquire magazine. "Anyone in that position who doesn't deeply feel those ties that bind is a dangerous man, and it's very pitiful."
Dismiss Springsteen as just another liberal rock star if you will (and he is!), but also remember that Springsteen's roots are in a working-class, blue-collar community -- and that he has spent his entire life writing about and trying to explain the hopes, fears and anxieties of those communities to the country and the world. Now he looks at Trump, and is scared for all of us.


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