File it under, “how do you even respond to Bullshit like this?’

As Dotard’s ‘defense’ continues to build, which is, ‘The FBI, ALL the US Intel and Robert Mueller is LYING, while I alone am telling the truth’, the Front Page Headline of the Liar in Chief’s State Media propaganda rag, aka FOXNews, quotes Jerome Corsi saying, Robert Mueller Tried To Get Me To Lie Against Trump’.
OMG, as if Corsi needed any help LYING,. This iis the a-hole who built his ‘reputation’ by backing Dotard’s ‘birther’ movement against Obama, then went to join Alex Jones at InfoWars and full-time LYING that helped get the Orange Clown into the White House.
Along the way he met with Russians, Julian Assange at WikiLeaks and briefed Dotard about what ‘leaks’ were coming out, and when.
Now, when he’s caught, the SOB comes up with this sleazy defense and the State Media propaganda tool (created by Roger Ailes to disseminate ‘alternative facts’ to those sheep gullible enough to swallow them) and runs the Corsi Crap as a front page headline.
And I can see the sheep now, as they sit in their single-wide, somewhere in the Bible Belt and watch Bullshit Mountain, saying, ‘Yup, I knowed that Mueller was dirty, Sean done told me so, Gawd bless President Trump, who’s bringin’ back my coal diggin’ job.’


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