George Will(R) had a great article this morning, warning the GOP to study what’s happened in Colorado as a ‘glimpse into thei future of the party.’

Republicans should study Colorado’s change in tint, from purple to blue

Social scientists, say Colorado boosters, have plausible metrics identifying their state as the happiest and healthiest state, the former quality perhaps producing the latter. Or the other way around. Or maybe the tangle of causation cannot be unwoven. Be that as it may, 300 days of sunshine — this Mile High City is practically cheek-by-jowl with the sun — entice people into outdoor activities that help the state have chubby America’s lowest obesity rate.
Among the least happy and healthy Colorado cohorts is the Republican Party, which is less svelte than emaciated. This state is in many ways a glimpse of the nation’s future, so when national Republicans are done congratulating themselves on having lost only the most important half of what the Constitution’s Framers considered the most important branch — Congress is accorded Article I for a reason — they should study Colorado’s changing tint, from purple toward blue.

George then goes on to show how Colorado ‘used to be Pub country’, but not any more, going STRAIGHT DEMOCRAT in all pasts of the state govt., and how it’s nearly impossible to be elected with (R) beside your name, cuz Trump has trashed the brand.

Because it is increasingly young, urban, educated and diverse, everything the GOP isn’t, Republicans, who fancy themselves saviors of “flyover country,” might just as well fly over Colorado.


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