I always like movies that are based on true stories and we saw a great one today.

‘Green Book’ is sort of a reverse ‘Driving Miss Daisy’ story, as Virgo Mortenson plays a white driver for a black musician (pianist) in the South during the early 60’s.
Hard to imagine this world existed a little over 50 years ago.
The kind of ignorance and prejudice that I hate about the base of the Pub party to this day.
Green Book refers to an actual book for ‘Negro’ travelers of the day, about where they could eat, stay and even where they could use the restrooms, in a world where ignorant hicks thought they were superior.
The same kind of people who lined up behind Dotard and his ‘birther’ bullshit that made him a rising star with the Pubs.
Part of what made the movie even more special was the father-son black guys that sat beside us and the reactions of the older black guy during the different situations throughout the movie.
Great flick that should be part of the education process, showing the Deep South during the time that JFK, RFK and MLK Jr were shot down for standing up to the people who didn’t want ‘change’ in their racist, conservative lives.


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