If you don’t care about real news, and watch FOX instead, where you already KNOW what you’re gonna see, Dems BAD—Pubs GOOD, and it’s pounded n with a sledgehammer.

But the other 2/3 of us have seen the numerous videos of the Liar in Chief, as he rails against ‘criminals’ Pleading the Fifth, saying, ‘Only the guilty need to plead the fifth, instead of telling the truth’, and he repeats it MANY times in his various speeches to his gullible minions.
Fast forward to Roger Stone, Jerome Corsi and others ‘Pleading the Fifth’ when asked about Dotard’s contacts with Russia.
It’s the kind of ironic journalism that doesn’t exist in the Sheep World of Bullshit Mountain.
Yup, seems the Orange Clown actually told the truth, accidentally, when he claimed, ‘Only the GUILTY plead the fifth’, and it’s SO funny to see his guilty henchmen doing just that.
C’mon rightwingnuts, switch off Fox and Friends for a few minutes and get a good chuckle, as the LYING, arrogant Pussy Grabber inadvertently tells the truth, while his bagmen claim the fifth.


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