My fave article in the paper this morning showed how the Franklin Graham’s version of Christianity has perverted the original ‘word’.

Franklin Graham’s comments on Axios on HBO about President Donald Trump illustrated all that is wrong with modern evangelicals. There is a bloodlust for power that requires that they turn a blind eye to a fundamental principle of our republic, religious liberty. For those of Graham’s ilk religious liberty only applies to the adherents of a particular type of Christianity.

Grahaam’s Christianity is obsessed with power for power’s sake; a Christianity that believes the weaving of people of color, immigrants, and the LGBTQ community into America’s social fabric is a fundamental challenge to their power — the power to define who and who is not a real American.

These “defenders of the faith” are intent on maintaining that power at the expense of actual Christian teachings. In a quest for power, Trump’s Christian supporters have mangled the bible to support their cause.

Thesee “defenders of the faith” are not about faith at all. They are about one thing: a state sanctioned right to impose their theological worldview on the rest of us.

The good news? (My words now) Every chart, graph, study and movement within the country shows we are joining the rest of the world and moving away from the HYPOCRITES who fight science and education in an effort to mangle the ‘word’ and force their myths and superstitions on everyone who doesn’t believe like them.

Just because FOX and Trump, one and the same, are able to sway the gullible among us, (approx 1/3 and falling) doesn’t mean the rest of us need to put our brains on a shelf and give in to their LIES.
The tide has turned, and will reach tsunami stage when Mueller gets his day in court, although a certain % of the ‘gullible among us’ don’t give a shit that Russia enabled their boy to be prez, cuz he has (R) after his name, and CLAIMS to be a Christian. 


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