Wow, like the explosive bowel release after an ‘All You Can Eat’ Mexican Buffet,

Dotard has loosed his inner indigestion and dropped a YUUUUGE Tweet discharge at his ‘enemies’, who all happen to be Repubs, including Pub appointed, lifelong Repub Robert Mueller and James Comey, who Dotard accuses of being Pro-Hillary.
Does the Liar in Chief, in his loony ramblings not remember the Comey actions that won the election for him?
Anyway, Dotard has figured the best defense, against Mueller’s release of Manafort’s sentencing guidelines and probably a LOT more references to both of their Russian connections is to muddy the water with a bunch of bullshit.
The tactic usually works for him as it gives FOX something to report on, and feed the sheep, while they ignore the facts.
Anyway, Dotard’s morning DUMP was YUUUUGE and unusually stinky.
Just what the sheep love, as they swallow it and ask for more.....

President Trump launched an extraordinary tweetstorm against special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe.
In early Friday morning tweets, he wrote:
“Robert Mueller and Leakin’ Lyin’ James Comey are Best Friends....
And goes from there. Check it out, if you can swallow a bunch LIES and YUUUUGE dose of fear.....


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