It used to really bug me, seeing Dotard’s rallies, full of the Ignorant, gullible sheep, packed in, swallowing his LIES, in his performances as a third rate,, comedic huckster, entertaining the rubes.

Now, with the coronavirus beginning to spread, I look at his rallies like Charles Darwin looked at nature’s predators. A natural culling of the herd. The survival of the fittest and the weak being cleansed from the genetic pool. And I hope they have LOTS of YUUUGE MAGA rallies.
SO, go for it, clueless sheep. Swallow his crap, ignore reality and cluster together, ignoring science as you always have and let the virus run wild. Humankind will be better for it....
Finally, the Russian backed, arrogant, Pathological Liar has my blessing, to gather his flock together and cull the herd.
BTW, it’s either writing on my blog, or taking target practice, to alleviate my feelings toward the Orange Jackasshole who, with FOXNews and the TV preachers, is ruining MY country, SO, am writing instead of shooting, as the gullible among us swallow his crap, and I need SOMETHING, to blow off steam, with the same passion I had during the Viet Nam War and GW and The Dick’s war, based on LIES, that the Pubs loved so much.
And you wonder why I can’t stand em?


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