As the rat, Wm Barr, leaves the sinking ship, we remember his first days on the job.

 That’s when he intercepted the Mueller Report, and LIED about what it contained.

BTW, we still don’t know what is in it, cuz the asshole BURIED it.

BTW, Barr’s only qualification for the TOP legal job in the country was an unsolicited letter to Dotard saying, ‘No matter WHAt he does, the prez can’t be prosecuted’.

Dotard hired him on the spot.

He then intercepted the Mueller Report, declared Dotard INNOCENT on Collusion and Obstruction charges and ‘Locked Up’ the report, not even allowing Congressmen to see it. 

This, after the Pubs allowed ZERO witnesses or documents in Dotard’s Impeachment trial.

Think about it. ZERO EVIDENCE. 

Just like their claims of fraud, in the election.

And these assholes call themselves the party of Law and Order. And you wonder WHY I can’t stand ;em?

And the gullible, ignorant, STOOPID sheep(R) declared the Russian backed, LYING conman INNOCENT.

F**K Dotard, Barr and the gullible ignorant sheep they rode in on.

If I gotta explain, you wouldn’t understand.


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