Dotard has a new plan. He thinks that if Pence doesn’t ‘certify’ the election, he can stay on.

 On Wednesday evening, as he was flying to Florida for his vacation, Trump Tweeted a call for Pence to refuse to ratify the Electoral College results on January 6 -- a prospect that has captured his imagination even if it remains completely impossible.

This is the same day that the Russian backed, LYING conman has called for his rightwingnutjob White Power buddies to come to Washington for a ‘Wild Time’. The Proud Boys and many others say they’ll be there.

Sources say Trump in recent days has brought the matter up to the vice president and has been "confused" as to why Pence can't overturn the results of the election on January 6.

‘Confused’ is a very kind way of saying the asshole is nuts. But, nothing new here....


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