Like your classmates who were at the ‘bottom of the class’, the Pub-lead Congress has put off pandemic aid, AND the Us Budget until the night before the project is due

 Now, the jerks(R) are running around, pointing fingers, and rushing to get through the projects they SHOULD have been doing for the last several months. Instead, they were parroting false claims of FRAUD from Dotard, (many still are), and raising money for their next election.

Now, they wanna get home for Christmas, SO, they are thrashing through months of work in a few frantic days. And while they try to turn out a final product, McTurtleface is making sure they are handicapped with unreasonable limits, cuz he doesn’t want to ‘bail out irresponsible Blue States’.

BTW, these same Blue States pay MOST, by far, of the taxes that support the low income/education Bible Belt Red States.

And, the guy who championed a $2 Trillion giveaway to Big Business and the 1% says, ‘we can’t afford it’.

SO, we’ll get some half-assed bill that nobody has read, with Yuuuge payments to the lobbyists’ clients, while those with the most need can go ‘suck on it’.

Same old shit from the Repub Congress, after their boy ignored the pandemic and LIED about it, after killing the Pandemic Response Team.

Now, while the country sets records for infections and deaths every day, Dotard’s main concern is his bullshit lawsuits to overturn the election that he obviously LOST, and the majority of the gullible, ignorant sheep swallow his LIES.

Same old shit from the Pubs.....


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