Dotard pardoned 26 more criminals(R) today. Nearly all of them who lied, or wouldn’t testify, about Dotard’s connections to Russia. Wow, I’m shocked. Ya think maybe they got the message, ‘Lie about the Russian connections and you’ll be pardoned’. And the sheep don’t give a shit. Russia and the US prez. No Problem.

 Paul Manafort, convicted of multiple felonies, including Russian financial deals, and lying about it, including deals with the Russians to get Dotard elected. And lying about it.

Jared’s dad, Charles Kushner, guilty of 18 felony counts, incl witness retaliation, prosecuted by Chris Christie, who called it, ‘One of the most loathsome cases I’ve ever prosecuted’.

Roger Stone, guilty of seven felonies, incl lying about ties between Dotard and the Russians. This after Dotard already commuted his prison term. The worst of America, paid killers murdering civilians, the best, when they got convicted, and the WORST again, as Dotard overthrows the court’s decision.

Three corrupt Repub Congressmen, pardoned for multiple felonies each, cuz they have supported him through ALL his crap.

Criminals in Iowa who illegally interfered in an election. Criminals after Dotard’s own heart.

I could go on and on, but WHY.

We all know Dotard is a Russian backed crook/conman, but only some of us care. These are a bunch of the people who wouldn’t testify in Dotard’s Impeachment, and there will be more.

Law and order party my ass.


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