Colorado, as well as dozens of other states, have received about 40% fewer does of the Pfizer vaccine than were promised.

 The Trumpies say something about problems at Pfizer, when they speak at all, but officials at the drug company say they have MILLIONS of doses, sitting in warehouses, just waiting on govt OK/directions on where to send them.

This is the same administration who bragged about being ready. About using the military to ship the vaccine.

Now that it’s here, they’re f-ing it up like everything else they touch.

At the top is a LOSER whose only interest is raising more $$ from the ignorant minions who continue to swallow the FRAUD scenario that the Liar in Chief bitches about, while presenting ZERO evidence.

While Nero fiddles thousands of American die every day. With millions of doses of vaccine sit in warehouses, waiting on Dotard and his minions to act.

Same old shit, as the incompetent asshole thinks only of himself.


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