The more we find out about these assholes(R) the the more we realize how many people their incompetence KILLED.


Trump Officials Tried To ‘Cripple’ The CDC’s COVID-19 Response, House Panel Says

Trump appointees sought to change reports “in a misguided effort to achieve herd immunity,” House investigators found.

Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., said his coronavirus subcommittee investigators have found evidence of a “political pressure campaign” to “bully” professionals at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in what may have been an attempt to “cripple the nation’s coronavirus response in a misguided effort to achieve herd immunity.”

Herd immunity is shorthand for a theory — rejected by most public health experts — that society can be best protected by allowing younger people to get infected and develop natural immunity until vaccines are widely available. Millions would have to die.


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