Just like the Federal govt, state govs are facing the double whammy of having to out a LOT more, while taking in a LOT less.

 But, unlike the Fed govt, states can’t just print money AND run up huge deficits.

This is obvious to anyone who looks at it, including the Repub assholes who refuse to fund the states, who  will have to slash thousands of jobs and programs,, speeding up the snowball rolling downhill that will wreck the entire economy.

The Pubs just smile and lick their lips, cuz they wanna win in four years.

Some things never change as McTurtleface and his henchmen don’t give a shit about the damage they’ll incur, as Moscow Mitch killed the $2 Trillion deal that both sides had agreed to, and is making it seem like the $900 Bil package is ‘all we can afford’.

This is the same asshole who gave a $2 Trillion tax cut to the 1%, with NO QUALMS about the budget. His exact words were, ‘Nobody cares about the deficit.’

Until now that is, as the jerks refused to bail out the states, cuz they didn’t want Blue Staes to share in the bailout.

And you wonder WHY I can’t stand ‘em(R)?


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