Another rightwingnut whackjob is running for office, and he’s spouting the same bullshit, beginning with ‘They(D) are gonna Take Your Guns!’

 Oh really? WHO is gonna take them? The tree huggers are gonna take the guns from the militias?

In Colorado, the Sheriff’s Depts won’t even enforce the laws against large magazines or confiscating a gun from someone who is declared ‘incompetent and dangerous’ by a judge, BUT, someone is gonna take the guns from the nutballs?

I know that no one better try to take any of MY guns!

BUT, it’s the same old shit riles the sheep, and they(R) do it cuz it works, for the gullible ignorant minions.

It gets SO old....

Bundy said he wants to defend Idaho from President “Joe Biden and those in the Deep State that control him” because they “are going to try to take away our gun rights, freedom of religion, parental rights, and more — and further violate the Constitution in unimaginable ways — even more than they’ve already done.’

Yup, guns and religion, the glue that binds the morons who swallow the shit from FOX and Dotard.


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