Does it surprise/amaze/concern any of you rightwingnuts, as the Pubs fight a Trillion dollar Infrastructure deal, over eight years?

 This, after Dotard gave away TWO Trillion to his High Dollar Buddies in the one percent.

WTF is WRONG with you?

Oh yeah, you swallow his crap, with Iowa farmers loving him, ‘cuz he can relate to us’, after the people who actually knew/know him in New York gave the pussy grabbing, tax dodging, LYING, conman less then 15% of the vote.

Wow, them Iowa/Nebraska farmers are really Schmart as he killed their exports on grain/beef/pork/etc as Jina retaliated from his tariffs, which ALL qualified economists (not Navarro, his economic jackass) agreed wouldn’t work.

Dotard kept his base, with billions in CASH, sent to them for NOT WORKING, for years, SOOO, they love him, as they bitch about ‘welfare payments’ for the poor.

And you wonder WHY I can’t stand the HYPOCRITES(R)?


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