In case you missed the shitstorm from FOX against VP Kamala Harris.... She made the unforgivable error os saying, ‘Enjoy your long weekend’.

 OMG! The screams from the FOX ‘outrage machine’ fired up immediately. 

How DARE she act like Americans should enjoy a 3-day weekend!

There could hardly have been more disdain if Vice President Kamala Harris had taken a torch to the American flag.

All she’d done was acknowledge a break from work for many Americans that was going to be three days instead of two.

“Enjoy the long weekend,” she tweeted on Saturday. It was a reference to a respite that would last through Monday, which was Memorial Day.

And therein resided the sin — the scandal! — according to her battle-primed detractors.

How dare she use enjoy in proximity to a date dedicated to Americans who died fighting for our country! What kind of commie was she?!?

Conservative politicians and right-wing gadflies eager for attention and poised for facile pantomimes of patriotism pounced. Fox News was all over the story, to the extent that there was any story at all. It tweeted that she had exhibited “disgusting” disrespect.

How ridiculous. And how familiar.

And you wonder WHY I hate the assholes at FOX and can’t stand the morons(R) who get their ‘news’ there?


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