With Biden at over 60%, and Trump under 40% ‘National Approval Ratings’, this is the shit that rightwing propaganda shovels to the sheep.

 And you wonder WHY they(R) are so ignorant and uninformed?

McLaughlin Poll: Biden Slipping, Trump Remains Strong – 80 Percent GOP Primary Vote Support

And then there’s this headline from ‘real’ news...

‘Utterly Deranged’ Trump Has Full Meltdown Over Bill Barr, Mitch McConnell

The former president attacked the two key figures who enabled his agenda, calling them “spineless RINOs.
Trump, who once claimed he would hire only “the best and most serious people,” called Barr a “disappointment in every sense of the word,” much as he has attacked many of the other “best people” he hired, including Jeff Sessions (attorney general), Rex Tillerson (secretary of state), James Mattis (defense secretary) John Bolton (national security advisor), H.R. McMaster (national security advisor) John Kelly (homeland security and chief of staff) and Mike Pence (vice president), just to name a few who have stood up to the loudmouthed bully.


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