He’s baaaack, and still pulling LIES out of his large, pasty white ass, unless he dyes it orange, like his conman face.


“More than 600,000 dead Americans, millions of jobs lost, and recklessly dangerous rhetoric is apparently not enough for Republicans to break with a loser president who cost them the White House, Senate, and House,” Moussa said.

And I say, ‘Go For It’, Dotard!

Yup, the arrogant, egotistical, twice impeached LOSER (prez, House, Senate), banned from Facebook and Twitter for his LIES, is still braying to his gullible, ignorant minions, who also can’t handle the truth, about the Stolen Election, even though over 60 mostly Republican judges have said he and his Army of Lawyers are full of shit.

But, his crowd doesn’t give a shit about facts. Never have never will. They’d rather bitch and moan, swallowing crap from Repub Propaganda outlets like FOX.

But, that’s GREAT! Please nominate the loser who never reached 50% approval as your party’s banner carrier. That is, IF he’s not in prison by then, for a large number of charges, like inciting an insurrection.


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