Gullible, and ignorant. They took the word of a Pathological LIAR, who claimed, with ZERO evidence, that the election has been STOLEN. They could be excused, for a while, but when, month after month, court case after court case, the Trumpies could produce NOTHING to back up their claims, gullible is exactly what they were/are. To look at a NYC conman, and think, ‘He’s ‘one of us’, is the height of gullibility, and ignorance, at best. Stupidity, or willful blindness also applies. Ignorance may be too kind ,in describing the crowd that could listen to his OBVIOUS LIES, and swallow them. Especially guilty are the so-called ‘Christian’s’ who fell/fall for the LIES of a morally bankrupt pussy grabber, and line up behind his pathological agenda, hoping to further their power and influence, at the cost of our democracy. I could go on and on, but WHY? We all know who and what Donald Trump was and is. If you can look at that degenerate conman and say, ‘that’s my guy’ there’s nothing ...