Alex Jones, one of the many rightwing professional LIARS that spew misinformation to their gullible ignorant base,

 iis trying to claim bankruptcy, just as his trial, for claiming the Sandy Hook massacre was a HOAX.

Alex Jones's media company files for bankruptcy amid trial

WTF? A hoax, after 20 kids were gunned down? Can you imagine being a parent,going through such a loss and then having a loudmouth moron like Alex Jones claiming it was a hoax? And having his STOOOPID followers hounding you?

Yup, the same crowd who swallows the shit about a Stolen Election and doesn’t believe in Climate Change or vaccinations supports these rightwingnuts who spew their hate and LIES to the double digit IQ morons among us.

At least you can recognize them. They’re the ones with the MAGA hats.


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