Was reading about how the Tea Party was formed, and prospered, as a reactive to the election of Obama, th first black American president,

 And I realized the Pubs are using the same tactics today, which originated with The Klan, another supposedly ‘Christian’ organization..

Remember, Dotard rose to power with his attacks on Obama, with his PROOF, (always coming next week, just like his Stolen Election bullshit) that the black prez wasn’t born in the US. He drip it out for months, gaining more rightwingnut support every day.

All LIES, like his Stolen Election, but his head up their ass supporters never let that bother them.

Lying, cheating, stealing – all are fair tactics when God is on Your Side to protect the Chosen Ones against the mongrel hordes of “the Other”.  And demonizing “the Other” as “perverts”, “immoral”, “socialist”, “communist” and “America-haters” is how you prepare your tribe to go to war against “the Other”. Once convinced that ‘God is on our side’, anything goes, and that’s how the American Right controls the anti-science, take us back to the 1950’s crowd that Trump tapped into, on his wannabe dictator quest, where attacking the Capitol after LOSING the election is FINE with the morons who kiss his flabby ass,


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