106 in Paris, hottest ever in the UK, as the US bakes in record temps.

 Good thing it’s no big deal, according to Tucker and Sean. Climate Change is a Liberal Hoax, in the Dems effort to fight Big Oil. Record heat and drought in the south want and through Europe? No big deal, according to the assholes who speak for FOX.

But, do the sheep still swallow their crap? OR, have those jerks changed their propaganda spew?

Two jerks who have ZERO qualifications to speak about weather, but, like the Stolen Election, facts mean NOTHING to the minions who swallow their crap. 

BTW, ALL the Trump controlled Secret Service texts from Jan 6 have been conveniently and permanently LOST, but FOX explains all, as an inconvenient mistake. And I’m sure the gullible ignorant sheep swallow the crap spewed from Bullshit Mountain/Trump White House.

If I gotta explain, you wouldn’t understand.


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